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Snow Removal 2018-05-22T23:44:54+00:00
Snow Removal Joseph Judge Landscaping
Snow Removal Joseph Judge Landscaping
Snow Removal Joseph Judge Landscaping

Commercial Snow Plowing, Snow Shoveling and
Snow Blowing

Joseph Judge Landscaping, Inc., understands the need for on-time and efficient snow services for your Commercial property. We help keep your property safe and accessible for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

Snow Clearing

  • Plowing of parking lots and walkways
  • Snow shoveling and/or snow blowing of snow from your property


  • Salt and/or melting agents applied to designated areas

24-hour Snow Plow Dispatch

  • Plows are dispatched around the clock based on developing weather systems

Detailed Site Maps

  • We meet with you to determine priority areas, locate obstacles which can become covered with snow and designate locations to pile snow

Fully Insured

  • Our crews are fully insured for your peace of mind

Discover how professional specifications and clear instruction allows us to provide you with dependable, efficient service and most importantly, a safe site!

For a free, no obligation consultation on your snow plowing requirements, please contact Joseph Judge Landscaping, Inc. at (516) 352-3975. You can also Request an Estimate online.